This is a reference for SARA MANDOZZI

WHAT A WASTE! Recycling, repairing and reusing computers to change our consumption habits

The training activity took place
in Zagarolo, ITALY
organised by BINARIO ETICO
08th - 16th February 2013

Aims & objectives

The aim of the project was to strengthen unfulfilled social change propensities to a really zero-waste and, not only digitally speaking, an inclusive and equal society.
For this reason the project activities were conceived as a tool to further develop the individual and group commitment in the electronic waste premature disposal prevention and to find solutions for the digital divide driven inequalities.

Through the different sessions it has been possible to share knowledge on these topics and on the best practices adopted in the different countries about e-waste prevention, to improve a better quality of life, based on responsible consumption and active citizenship.

Furthermore the workshop scope was to make participants in condition to repeat the experience according to the local background's needs, once they will be back home and to multiply the experience at local, national and international level.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The group was composed by 20 social activist and EU citizens active at local and international level, interested to analyse the needs of its specific context of origin and to adapt the knowledge gained during the workshop on their way back home. Participants should be interested in developing the technical skills and in deepening their cross-cultural competencies in order to become multipliers of the knowledge transfer.
Participants came from France, Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, United Kingdom, Rumania and Italy.

Training methods used & main activities

During the workshop it has been proposed a combination of non formal education activities and technical sessions, thought to improve own self managed learning capacities especially on ICT and computer reuse technologies. Both the methodologies are based on the learning by doing and on the horizontal cooperation of experts and participants, in order to ensure the individual personal and professional development.

Outcomes of the activity

These are the following outcomes achieved through the workshop:
1. deepening of the analysis of the local backgrounds at local and European level and problems/needs analysis;
2. deepening of laws (at EU and local level), society and economy: environment and new technologies;
3. sharing debating about economy and eco-system: human beings and technology consumption;
4. creation of campaigns about the workshop topics;
5. implementation of projects ideas about the workshop topics and that could be afterwards used for the follow up activities;
6. approaching of the technical session: how to repair a pc;
7. deepening of the technical session: problem solving methodologies/trouble shooting;
8. introduction and deepening of the technical session – Linux 1 and 2
9. restitution of the pc refurbished to local associations active in Zagarolo and in the neighbouring cities.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Setting up of the activity programme and content's development for the part related to non formal education;
Trainer in the non formal education workshop – team building, campaigns creation and project footsteps.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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