TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Peter Huray
The general objective of the project was to deal with need of improving the non-formal education processes in youth work, in relation with addiction of youth on internet and modern technologies, and influence of those addictions on daily life of youngsters.
- To learn young people how to use their free time effectively and actively by sport or outdoor activities
- To offer basic methods of planning process within Time management and their application in practice
- To create awareness to young people who use internet and computer too often, about ways and methods of right usage of internet and computer technologies (interface Web 2.0)
- To raise knowledge and practical skills of young leaders in spheres of communication, motivation and involvement of youth
- To familiarize participants with opportunities, which are being offerred by Erasmus+ programme and to analyze the role and perception of Non-Formal Education methods in area of youth work.
Participants of the training were youth workers, social workers, teachers who work on daily basis with young people in their countries.
Project team was composed from 3 trainers (Slovakia, Turkey), support staff and another 30 participants from 15 countries (Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine).
To the project activities were involved also members of host organization, volunteers and students of local high school.
The training course was be based on non-formal learning process. It means that learning was based on individual one´s experience, one´s motivation and needs. During the training course non-formal education methods and methods that assure balance between theory and practice wwere be used such as: workshops, presentations, outdoor education, co-operative games, individual work, small discussion groups, plenary work, group dynamics, personal challenges, theoretical input.
Impact and achievement of this project lays down in an awareness raising of a threat of excessive internet usage, its consequences for the young people.
Participants have learnt and adopted new information, skills and attitudes in areas of Time management, Event management, Social inclusion and Communication. They got practical hands-on experience in organizing workshops in local school during the project and after the project´s end they have designed and organized the workshop in their own countries. By their experience from this training course they are spreading the results over their communities.
My task was to deliver the training sessions on Non-formal education and its recognition, Time management, Group dynamics and teambuilding activities, session on How to build a session (workshop). Apart of it I also assisted the trainer´s team in sessions and logistic arrangements and evaluation.
I was also responsible for coordination of the project.