This is a reference for Tamar Tsatskrialashvili

VOLUME UP - Amplifying the Solidarity Impact of Volunteering Projects

The training activity took place
in Bakuriani, Georgia
organised by SIW International Volunteer Projects
10/11/2022 – 15/11/2022
Reference person

Rob van Leeuwen

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Aims & objectives

The aim of this project was to revitalise the organisational practises in volunteering opportunities in the non-profit sector among various stakeholders (sending organisation, hosting organisation, volunteers, local host, local community, etc.).

The objectives:
- to widen the perspectives of the project participants on (international) voluntary projects in the non-profit sector and strengthen the solidarity aspects and links with the local communities;
- to analyse challenges following the different perspectives of various stakeholders (volunteer, host organisation, coordinating organisation, etc.) in the field of (international) voluntary projects and find concrete solutions through creative formats;
- to equip participants with the tools to improve the (international) voluntary projects and practice, tailoring them to the needs and interests of the volunteers;
- to encourage participants to transfer the project results into the everyday practices of the organisations they represent.
- to engage participants into creating a stronger metanarrative on successful volunteering projects in Europe in order to promote volunteering among youth as well as local hosts.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The training hosted the professionals from the non-profit organisations from various countries, who are engaged in the European Solidarity Corps or other (international) voluntary projects as coordinators or mentors, as well as, the volunteers themselves.

Training methods used & main activities

The project was based on non-formal learning, containing elements of training and seminars. The program focused on inputs on the topics, explored and digested through group work and performative activities. The program further incorporated sharing exercises and working in teams to come up with solutions to common operational problems in the organizations. During phase 2, participants applied the tools and competences they gained during the training in their local areas. As a final step in their learning process, participants reflected on the challenges and outcomes during an online evaluation activity.

Outcomes of the activity

The training activity achieved notable outcomes, including a broadened perspective on (international) voluntary projects in the non-profit sector, enhanced solidarity with local communities, and creative solutions to challenges in the volunteering field. Participants gained practical tools for tailoring international voluntary projects to volunteers' needs, actively transferring this knowledge to their organizations. Overall, the training activity significantly improved organizational practices in the non-profit sector, emphasizing adaptability and fostering positive impacts in voluntary projects.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I worked on this training course as a full time trainer and was involved in the preparation and implementation processes.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Tamar is a very dedicated and knowledgeable trainer. She focuses on a good outcome of the training, while the process gets her full attention too. Especially, the applicability after the training is something Tamar focuses on.

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