This is a reference for Matia Losego

Training-seminar for multipliers from Tbilisi and Sukhumi in Human Rights Education for and with children based on Compasito

The training activity took place
in Budapest, Hungary
organised by Youth Department and the Confidence-Building Measures Division of the Directorate of Political Affairs of the Council of Europe

Aims & objectives

The Training-seminar for multipliers from Tbilisi and Sukhumi in human rights education for and with children based on Compasito aims to develop professional competences for educating children in human rights on the basis of the Council of Europe handbook “Compasito” (manual on human rights education with children). It addresses educators and other professionals working with children in Tbilisi and Sukhumi both in the formal and non-formal educational contexts.

Objectives of the training-seminar:
:: To familiarize participants with the Council of Europe principles and approaches to human rights education;
:: To strengthen participants’ understanding of key concepts of human rights education with children;
:: To introduce Compasito as a tool for working on human rights education with children;
:: To familiarize the participants with the approaches and activities from the Compasito and how to best use it and adapt it to formal and non-formal educational contexts and realities;
:: To discuss the essential competences, skills and attitudes needed by trainers on human rights education for children;
:: To prepare activities for disseminating Compasito among peers and to support participants in their further cooperation.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The group was composed by 24 youth workers, social workers, teachers and volunteers from Tbilisi and Sukhumi interested in working in Human Rights Education with children and young people. The team was composed by 2 trainers with the support of Council of Europe staff.

Training methods used & main activities

The programme flow explored 4 different steps, being them:
:: Introduction and getting to know each other
:: Me as a person
:: Me as an educator
:: My personal steps and follow-ups
Training methods included self-reflections and sharing, experiential activities and group discussions. Some examples are:
:: “Mission impossible” – for team building;
:: “Where do you Stand?” – to explore the issue;
:: “Take a Step Forward” – to experience different life situations and understand discrimination mechanisms.

Outcomes of the activity

The training programme highlighted the design of follow up projects in both regions. Participants and team evalution underlined the following topics in the evaluation:
:: Understanding about principles and approaches of human rights education, basic notions and Council of Europe work in the field, and measure and support provided.
:: Awareness about Compasito and Compass and ideas of activities’ modifications and integration in every day practices.
:: Friendly atmosphere in the whole group and willingness to cooperate further with each other and provide support to each other in person and on Facebook page
:: Developed/ adapted activities from Compasito to be tested in local realities
:: Ideas for follow up activities

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a full time junior trainer together with a senior colleague. Together with my colleague, my responsabilities included:
:: Design a coherent training programme
:: Design and deliver training sessions
:: Feedback and co-facilitate other training sessions
:: Support participans in their learning processes
:: Evaluate the training and deliver the final report.

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

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