This is a reference for Armin Cerkez

Training for Youth Leaders

The training activity took place
in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
organised by NGO Youth Power
19.2.2013 - 25.2.2013
Reference person

Nedim Mičijević

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Aims & objectives

The aim of the training was to educate young men and women on the characteristics of successful leaders. Youth, who attended the training, previously had the knowledge and skills of peer educators. Also, they possessed experience of working on peer workshops. During the training youth were taught how to take the role of a leader, how to be the successful leaders and how this knowledge can be used in their life. One of the objectives of the training was to raise awareness and voluntary work in the field of peer education in high schools.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Training was attended by young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. All of them are high school students with previous experience of working on youth projects.

Training methods used & main activities

On training, the following methods were used: 1 Lectures (used to convey important information and knowledge); 2 Group Discussions (group, with help from me as a coach, came to conclusions during the workshops); 3 Role Playing (prkaze used for various situations in which a young leader to be found); 4 Films and videos (video materials were used during some training sessions).

Outcomes of the activity

Training, for the end result had the creation of a group of young leaders, who continued active work in the field of youth work after returning home. They stayed in touch with me and the organization, and they regularly reported about their activities. It turned out that their knowledge was helpful to them as young leaders in their communities.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My job was doing 1/2 of training course workshops and also working administrative work of training, making all need at the time and making sure that TC is going on the way how it was planned.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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