This is a reference for Salvi Greco

ToT on ID

The training activity took place
in Vadul lui Voda, Republic of Moldova
organised by MilleniuM" Training and Development Institute
21 september - 1 october 2013
Reference person

Vitalie Cirhana

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Aims & objectives

The training is aimed to improve training competences of trainers, facilitators and team leaders on intercultural dialog , inclusion and diversity on when working with young people on local and international level.
- To improve competences of trainers, facilitators and team leaders on intercultural dialog, inclusion and diversity
- To share experiences and expertise from trainer to trainer
- To develop new approaches and concrete methods for international youth exchanges
- To provide time and space for individual development of the participants as trainers and facilitators and for individual assessment regarding key elements of the project.
- To establish new partnerships and cooperation for the improvement of quality in international youth work

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The Training of Trainers “ToT on ID – Training on intercultural dialog, inclusion & diversity!” was organized for 24 youth workers from 6 Youth in Action Programme Countries and 6 Partner Countries from East Europe and Caucasus (EECA).

Training methods used & main activities

To ensure the training has a real impact on participants, we try to include a wide spectrum of methods and approaches.
Considering the different learning styles of people, we make sure that the methods chosen provide a good balance of opportunities for different people and are as interactive/involving as possible.

Outcomes of the activity

Our participants develop increase their understanding of non-formal education techniques and develop their competencies on how to plan, facilitate, and evaluate the non-formal learning process during their daily work with youth and during “Youth in Action” projects.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Together with mz co-trainer Vitalie Cirhana we led the sessions in pair. I was responsible for Getting-to-know each other, Expectations, motivation, approach, Team-building activities, Intro to Youthpass Learning Diary, Opening discussion on the topic: Different understanding of learning/ education , Non-formal learning approach and methodologies, Group dynamics and planning of learning process, The role of facilitator and ART of facilitating.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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