TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Antonis Stylianou
ABARKA ONG hosted in Oiartzun, Spain a Training of Trainers ”ToT on -Sim Games' on designing and implementing Simulation Games for Youth. The group was comprised with 30 youth workers from 4 eastern partner countries (Russian Federation, Moldova (Republic of),Azerbaijan and Ukraine) and 6 program countries (Spain , Italy, Latvia, Poland ,Romania, Cyprus). The Overall Goal of this ToT was to pass on the method of simulation games in order to enable the participants to use it in their work. To effectively achieve this goal, we do not only wanted to demonstrate the variety of different formats of simulation games, but also breed enthusiasm among the participants concerning the method, by letting them experience it. The training by this improved training competencies of trainers, facilitators and team leaders in the field of non-formal education and youth work.
Partners were from 4 eastern partner countries (Russian Federation, Moldova (Republic of), Azerbaijan and Ukraine) and 5 program countries (Italy, Latvia, Poland ,Romania, Cyprus). Spain was the organizer country.
The training course was based on a non-formal and a trainee centered approach putting the needs and abilities of the participants into the centre of the training. Participants experienced two different types of simulation games. In the end of the training the participants created their own simulation games, and were enabled to conduct them with their own target groups on topics they chose for themselves and depending on their home realities.
Following methodologies were also in use: Team-building measures, guided discussions in the plenum, work in small groups on different topics, simulation games
and role plays, presentation of the results in the small groups as well as in the plenum (protocols, wallpapers, flip charts, graphics and pictures), monitoring and evaluation methods
Through this Project, participants had the possibility to acquire skills and knowledge:
• SimGame understanding related to design an adequate simulation, with respect to scenario, rules and procedures.
• Correlate between education\training and real life social problems
• Utilize their analytical, negotiation and conflict resolution skills
• Practice the freedom of analyzing difficult situations\problems in a safe space
• Get instantaneous feedback from trainers on their decisions and it is consequences
• Make decisions, negotiations, and work in team
• Be able to be confident and critical, improve communication skills and problem solving skills
• Communication skills useful in planning a communication strategy through which they reached their goals and disseminated the results of their own SimGames
• Managements skills on how to create successful SimGames
Participants had the possibility to reflect on their own learning each day, during the reflection groups, and, during a specific session, they gain knowledge on how to find links between their learning and the key
competences useful for their present and future. In this way, they had the opportunity to reflect on their own reality, to analyze it and to act to change it.
I had two major responsibilities during this TC: 1/ as coordinator and agenda manager and 2/ as co-facilitator.
My tasks were:
- Mapping out training plans and schedules, designing and developing training programs with the colleagues
- Choosing appropriate training methods per case (virtual, simulated, mentoring, etc)
- Conduct training sessions, needs assessment and identify skills or knowledge gaps that needed to be addressed
- Daily evaluation
- Morning motivational dance and speaking.