TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Antti Korhonen
The aim of the long term project is to create a systematic change in the support of youth workers, working in international learning mobilities by better equipping them to identify and support
individual learning processes of participants and transform and translate the outcome into life competences, among them employability competences.
Time to show off! was a long term project with the following three activities which are connected:
- Expert meeting, spring 2016
- Training for youth workers, autumn 2016
- Seminar for stakeholders, spring 2017
All activities were international, each having a specific focus / target groups contributing to the main aim. The activities were conducted in a team of 2 trainers & NA / Salto T&C staff members.
Expert meeting, spring 2016 (16 participants) - "Meeting for ‘experts’; youngsters and youth workers who successfully participated in an international youth mobility project and are aware that they have learned during the activity".
Training for youth workers, autumn 2016 (20 participants) - Youth workers, Volunteering mentors, passionate about your work and willing to share and explore futher competences you possess as youth worker - of course in supporting young people's development in youth mobilities"
Seminar for stakeholders, spring 2017 (20 participants) - educators active in “formal education” of youth workers e.g. from universities and schools
providing youth work education & training; lecturers etc., youth work education and training providers: NGO's which provide youth workers
education and training, researchers in this field, experienced youth workers/trainers from the international youth field, and colleagues from National Agencies, who are dealing with youth worker education from the perspective of Erasmus+: Youth in Action.
Custom made non-formal training design for each activity.
Report yet to be released.
Trainer - planning, implementing, evaluating and reporting the learning design of the activity.