TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Monia Izabela Dericks Wisniewska
KALEIDOSCOPE EUROPE has three purposes: 1. Generate a compilation of good practices at European level, about public decisions and policies that have changed contexts by the promotion of universal accessibility, allowing a lasting impact and a seful, practical and realistic dissemination of results. 2. To promote, through the confluence of experiences of young people with and without disabilities, awareness participants, politicians and experts on the role of the context to relativize disabilities; 3. Encourage impacts, by using non-formal education and participating methodologies, on micro and macro policy and public decision making to change not inclusive, inaccessible or incapacitating contexts, favouring spaces that generates capacities.
The methodology to carry out focuses on non-formal learning, continuing throughout the entire project, eminently practical and aimed especially to promote participation as a way of meeting different visions and as a resource to learn stimulating reflection. This way, proposals for improvement will be raised in different areas by involving young people around the design and implementation of the project.
Results and impacts that are persecuted are none other than the achievement of the objectives set out here, and also to promote an impact on the target audience, by awareness those responsible for making emerge decisions regarding how political reforms (small and large) can change settings that have the influence to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The long-term benefits go to consolidate these good practices in making decisions to improve accessibility and inclusion in social contexts, contributing to people with disabilities to feel more capable.
Co- trainer