TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Carlos De Sousa Santos
N.I.C.E Learning is a contribution training scheme to support Erasmus+ users and youth in order to empower youngsters and youth workers with Non Formal Education and Social Innovation.
Aims and goals of the Training Course
* Promote Non Formal Education
* Promote Social Innovation
* Local Level Youth Participation within the framework of Erasmus+
* Empower future project within the KA1 and KA2
* Empower and promote Youthpass during the TC
*Enrolment of Youth Organizations at Local Level
* Empower and develop tools with Non Formal Education
* Recognize, Identify and celebrate shared Citizenship values.
* Recognize priorities and directions for Local Development in the framework of Erasmus+
* Engage and empower different and diverse groups.
* Promote Social Innovation on Local Level Networks - Consortiums
* Provide fully documented results that can be easily turned into action plans.
* Support friendly discussions while efficiently leading to practical conclusions.
* Give a voice to even the quietest of participants.
National Agencies
Youth Organizations engaged with Erasmus+ Programme
KA1, KA2 and KA3 project users
25 participants from 7 EU Countries.
N.I.C.E Learning combines an innovative approach with a dual methodology recognized by Erasmus + Programme, Non Formal Education – Social innovation.
Process to link local participation and local youth engagement between youth organizations and decision makers with the support of Erasmus+ KA1, KA2 and KA3.
Several Non Formal Education tools were used during the TCA, like; Team-building, Structured Dialogue, International Café, Creative Writing, Evaluation methodologies, and several group dynamics.
N.I.C.E Learning presented a challenge to the
participants based on a long term simulation
where participants were considered Youth
Experts and Social Activists.
In a context full of negotiation and need of new
participation models participants were able to discuss, build and present Social Innovation Prototypes and get ready to work with Erasmus+ projects.
Trainer on the Seminar, responsible for the facilitation of the International Group.
Delivery and connection with the Erasmus+ BG, general coordination of the project and cooperation with the Local Decision Makers on the general content of the TCA were responsibility of my Co-trainer Maya Doneva.
Assess and report of the TCA to the Portuguese Erasmus+ National Agency.