TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vanessa Moreno Sierra
- To reflect about the role of partners in Erasmus+ projects, their rights and duties and
their desirable characteristics.
- To show the different ways to look for partners and to share good practices within this
- To explore the key dimensions in an effective cooperation in the frame of an Erasmus+
- To go deep into the partners agreement, a key tool for an effective cooperation among
international partners.
- To promote the involvement of every partner in the phases of visibility, dissemination
and explotation of results.
- To make the participants familiar with the main ICTs in project management.
- To provide the participants with the needed resources to solve conflicts in the frame of an Erasmus+ project.
- To define a methodology for the evaluation and improvement of partnerships within
- To exchange innovative ideas connected to the objectives of this training course.
- To reflect about the learning process of each participant using the frame of key
competences and Youthpass.
- To discover Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme and its different actions as a tool to
support the objectives of this training course.
Group: Youth workers, youth leaders and project coordinators. 22 participants from: Spain, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Bulgaria, Norway and Poland.
Trainers team: Vanessa Moreno Sierra, Alberto García García and Aida Fructuoso Pareja.
This training course has included workshops and interactive sessions on the following topics:
- Introduction to Erasmus+
- The role of partners in the frame of Erasmus+ projects / The ideal
- Key resources in the search of partners.
- Good practices analysis in the search of partners
- Key aspects of an effective cooperation with international partners
- Good practices analysis in the partnerships management
- Partnership agreement – Key element for the relationship among
- Involvement of partners in visibility and dissemination of results
- ICT tools for the management of international projects
- Conflict resolution among organizations
- Evaluation of the cooperation with partners + - Methodology and design of improvement proposals
The participants have significantly increased their knowledge on Networking and on how to stablish new and long term partnerships in the frame of Erasmus+: Youth in Action.
After the activity, the participants have stayed in touch and some of them have developed new projects between their organizations.
Coordinator and trainer