TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Carlos De Sousa Santos
TCA - 100% Youth City: Cross Sectorial Reforms on Local Level Youth Policy is a contribution training scheme to support Erasmus+ users and youth in order to empower youngsters and Decision Makers to understand how to develop Local Level Youth Policy Reforms with Cross-sectorial approach.
Aims and goals of the Training Course
* Promote Non Formal Education;
* Promote Structured Dialogue / Youth Dialogue;
* Local Level Youth Participation within the framework of Erasmus+;
* Empower future project within the KA2 and KA3;
* Empower and promote Youthpass during the TCA;
*Enrolment of Youth Organizations at Local Level;
* Empower and develop tools with Non Formal Education;
* Recognize, Identify and celebrate shared Citizenship values;
* Recognize priorities and directions for Local Development in the framework of Erasmus+;
* Engage and empower different and diverse groups;
* Promote Social Innovation on Local Level Networks - Consortiums;
* Promote Youth Dialogue and Youth Policy reform;
* Provide fully documented results that can be easily turned into action plans;
* Support friendly discussions while efficiently leading to practical conclusions;
* Give a voice to even the quietest of participants.
Erasmus+ National Agencies of Portugal, Croácia and Italy as Organizers
Youth Organizations engaged with Erasmus+ Programme;
KA2 and KA3 project users;
24 participants from 9 EU Countries.
100% Youth City methodology combines an innovative approach with a dual methodology recognized by Erasmus + Programme, Non Formal Education – Social innovation.
Process to link local participation and local youth engagement between youth organizations and decision makers with the support of Erasmus+ KA2, KA3.
Several Non Formal Education tools were used during the TCA, like; Team-building, Structured Dialogue, Open Method of Coordination, Social Innovation Spiral, Design Thinking, LEGO SP, International Café, Creative Writing, Evaluation methodologies, and several group dynamics.
100% Youth City: Cross Sectorial Reforms on Local Level Youth Policy presented a challenge to the
participants based on a long term simulation
where participants were considered Youth
In a context full of negotiation and need of new
participation models participants were able to discuss, build and present Social Innovation Prototypes, Youth Policy reforms proposals and get ready to work with Erasmus+ projects.
Trainer on the Seminar, responsible for the facilitation of the International Group.
Delivery and connection with the Erasmus+ BG, general coordination of the project and cooperation with the Local Decision Makers on the general content of the TCA were responsibility of my Co-trainer Hugo Ribeiro.
Assess and report of the TCA to the Portuguese Erasmus+ National Agency.