TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Milcho Duli
The project is organized for 24 youth workers from the organizations above and it has as a main purpose: Increasing youth workers' competencies in writing and involving the youth in the writing of international projects. To reach this purpose, we set the following objectives:
1. Raise competencies regarding planning and writing of Erasmus+ projects, for 24 participants during duration of the project.
2. Develop abilities to identify and analyze needs of young people for the 24 participants, from the 7 partner countries, during duration of the project
3. Develop skills to motivate and involve young people in the writing youth projects, for the 24 participants, from the 7 partner countries, during duration of the project.
4. Develop self esteem of the 24 youth workers attending the project regarding writing and implementing European youth projects in their own community.
5. Develop brochure with necessary information how to write European youth projects and motivate young people to be involved in these activities.
The participants will attend seminars covering non-formal methods of learning, during the preparation of the project, as well as in implementing the activities, the evaluation phase and follow-up. The project will take place during a 8 month period (February- September 2016) in the course of which we expect our participants to work with as many young people and grow personally and professionally.
The project was made for 24 youth workers interested in new ideas and experimenting on project writing although new hints and tips. Countries involved in the project were: Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Romania, Spain, Italy and Lithuania.
During the 7 days of the training course, participants were involved in exercises, group work, creative workshops, role-play, simulations and other non-formal activities. These activities provided examples on how the non-formal method can be approached by using the principles of learning by experience and created a learning space for participants to design their own methods of non-formal education.
The outcome of the project was 24 youth workers reach with new competences about project writing also new tips from the national agency and evaluators side. During the project were written 4 new ideas in to project which 2 of them were approved in the next Erasmus + deadlines which bring the success of the project in Slovenia.
I was a member of the training team, and I worked with my colleague co-trainer and with the project coordinator to design the whole programme. As a full time trainer I also worked on the manual after the project activity and all other planned activities before and after the TC.