TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Riccardo Gulletta
- To critically explore the meaning relevance and implications of European citizenship.
- To experience and explore the potential of Citizenship for active change in society.
- To associate the participants to promote personal artistic growth.
- To enhance sense of intercultural artistic practice.
- Participants coming from Serbia, Albania, UK, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Italy, Spain, Lithuania.
- Trainers coming from Italy, Serbia, UK.
Non-Formal Education, theatre, team building, simulations, debates, working groups, evaluation session and performance were the main methods used to deliver the programme.
- New competences based on Theatre as tool for social interventions.
- New competences based on Non-Formal Education.
- Awareness about EU citizenship and the rights that go with it.
- Sharing best practices and new competences in youth field.
- Performances with external audience.
- Trainer in charge of training sessions on teambuilding, EU Citizenship, Social Theatre, sharing best practices, YiA Programme and Follow-Up.
- Trainer in charge of a reflection group of participants.
Ricardo Gulletta worked as a trainer in the TAC project