This is a reference for Nora Furlong

STREETWISE Urban Art & Young Global Citizens

The training activity took place
in Cork, Ireland
organised by Youth Work Ireland Cork
March 19th - 26th 2016

Aims & objectives

-To support participants to nurture young people’s sense of and understanding of active global citizenship
-To equip participants with facilitation skills that enable young people to find their voice and express their opinions, advocating for local and global justice issues
-To explore useful competences for young global citizens and how to nurture these competences such as empathy, ability to advocate for self and others, curiosity, initiative/ participation critical thinking skills etc
-To support participants to develop practical skills that engage young people to create public street art expressing their opinions and ideas. eg Graffiti, Stencil, Paste-ups.
-To nurture participants own creativity to enable them to support young peoples creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Streetwise hosted participants from partner organisations from Ireland, the UK, Hungary & Italy.

Training methods used & main activities

The methodology with focus on the model of learning that connects the:
HEAD: knowledge & know-how,
HANDS: Practical skills and motivation and initiative to be active
& HEART; understanding, empathy, emotional relationship to themes and connection to personal values and attitudes.

The training will guide the youth workers through an experiential process that will help them develop their own personal connection to the themes of active global citizenship, social justice and importance of initiative and advocacy (head and heart)

The training will create meaningful spaces of reflection on the experience and how it can be applied in their direct work with young people. (Head and Heart)

The active experiential approach will support motivation and passion to engage young people in themes and approaches and to put learning into action (heart and hands)

The practical skills based elements will provide specific tools to put the learning into action with young people (hands)

The programme will include Provision of Information about Erasmus + to facilitate development of future collaboration in Erasmus +, youth pass & DEOR workshops

Intercultural exchange underpinned the experience

A launch and showcase of work created took place to engage the public and others working in the sector

The training created time for personal reflection and connection with the themes as well as the focus on applying methodologies to their with young people.

The working methods represented a balanced approach to experiential learning with space for participants to propose topics and focus beyond the planned content for the training. The participants were supported to build skills in taking initiative and responsibility for their learning in a supportive environment contributing to their social and personal development

Outcomes of the activity

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Visibility, Promotion and Recruitment
Programme Design, Delivery and Evaluation
Administration and Reporting

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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