TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for María Arroyo
The training was framed in the KA2 Erasmus+ Programme. The general aim of the project was to create a methodology to asses soft skills for children between 6-12 years old.
The objectives of the training were:
- to train educational professionals, facilitators, teachers and youth workers on the new methodology proposed by the project and its relevance to assess these skills after the pandemic situation
- to share experiences with the implementation of the methodology
- to share good practices implemented by the participants with their target groups (minirs with and without dissabilities)
The training was composed of 16 participants from Italy, Iceland, Greece, France, Bulgaria and Spain. The background profiles of the participants were teachers, trainers and facilitator on formal and non-formal education.
The maun training methodology was through the non-formal education.
The training was composed by theoretical and practical content. There were:
- presentations
- discussions and debates
- learning by doing
- learning by playing
- group reflections
- individual reflections
According to the evaluations from the participants, the training was a success because of the organization and the content itself.
Participants could reflect about the methodology and also share good practices outside the project.
The informal spaces were important to let participants sharing more motivations and good practices to work and to assess skills of their target groups as well as sharing activities.
My tasks and responsabilities during the project were:
- to suport my coworker in the logistical organization before and during the training.
- to support the participant during the training by asking their logistical questions.
- to facilitate some sessions with energizers and some sessions (for example to explain the protagonist approach and the multiple intelligences)