TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabriel Brezoiu
About the project
The project aimed to empower the participants to implement employability projects at local level by using social media tools.
O1. Enabling participants to use social media tools for the communication, promotion and management of their projects aiming to raise employment of young people;
O2. Stimulating participants to share their personal and professional practices in using social media in youth work through teamwork and networking;
O3. Raising the employability of the participants through improving social media skills and through personal branding;
O4. Promoting the European cooperation in the youth field by the use of social media.
The project objectives were set through a needs assessment of the partner organisations.
Target group: project managers, youth leaders
Countries involved: Romania, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey
The training was based on non-formal education. Methods used: icebreakers, name games, teambuilding games, energisers, working in intercultural subgroups, intercultural evening, debate, e-workshop, international cafe, brainstorming, case study etc.
The training activity managed to empower the participants to use social media tools in their projects. Moreover, the participants reflected on the key issues on "Digital", "Employment", "Funding" and "European project management". They had debates, discussed the current trends and sent their conclusions to European policy makers.
Find out more on the project websites:
I worked as a full time trainer in charge of leading the pedagogical team of the project. I was in charge of planning, delivering, monitoring and evaluating the training activities.