This is a reference for Andre Ebouaney


The training activity took place
in Pianezza, Italy
organised by Associazione Ergon a favore dei sordi
3-10 June 2022
Reference person

Luisa Accardo

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The aim was to bring together youth workers and other professionals (some of them may have a migration background and have been successful in their inclusion and integration process) who work with and for migration, to train them on appropriate non-formal education methods and strategies (such as digital storytelling and silent book) to be used to facilitate the integration and social inclusion in their new communities of migrant youth or youth with a migration background, including those with disabilities.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The team comprised twenty-six youth workers from Austria, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Turkey.

Training methods used & main activities

The project has been conducted using non-formal and informal learning, study visits, discussion, presentation, and exchange with the local communities.

Outcomes of the activity

- Acquire the right terminology in the field of migration to work properly with the target group.
- Equip the twenty-six participating youth workers with appropriate non-formal education methods and tools that will facilitate their work with migrants for social inclusion and integration.
- Increase the awareness of the twenty-six participating youth workers about the Digital Storytelling methodology to broaden their perception of it and enable them to use digital tools to facilitate the process of social inclusion of youth with a migration background.
- Sensitize the twenty-six participating youth workers on the Silent book methodology to broaden their perception of it and enable them to use it to facilitate the social inclusion process of youth with a migration background.
- Create a toolkit that will contain tools and methods that will help youth workers engage and empower youth with a migrant background using digital storytelling and the silent book.
- Create a documentary video that shares success stories of former migrants from participating countries to help break stereotypes related to migration and share best practices related to migrant inclusion and integration.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the facilitators in the team composed by other two facilitators from France and Greece.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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