This is a reference for Kasia Szajda

Sailors on the Citizenship

The training activity took place
in Balvi, Latvia
organised by Balvi Regional Interest Education and Methodology Centre

Aims & objectives

To educate and support the professional development of youth workers / trainers and to raise the quality of their projects dealing with active (European) citizenship.

- Pointing out the connection between citizenship, responsibility and active participation within once community / environment,
- To make citizenship attractive and sexy to the youth by experiencing it in practice using metaphors, simulations, case studies and sharing good practices,
- Experiencing, discussing and sharing historical and recent understandings and concepts of citizenship,
- Pointing out different possibilities for involvement on local, national, and European level,
- Reflecting on the process of the uniting Europe, its underlying values, and its future from the perception of today’s youth,
- To develop the Sailors toolbox of methods used for citizenship issues in the field of European youth work,
- To create Sailors NETwork of youth workers / trainers dealing with the citizenship issues by creating space for partnership building and supporting them with sailors’ virtual tools as blog, discussion forum, mailing list, website.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group:
youth workers and trainers who already have few years experience in youth field, and what to focuse more on active european participation
there were 22 people from 10 european countries taking part in the project as participants, the team: 1 trainer from Latvia, 1 from Czech Republic & me.

Training methods used & main activities

Training methods:
case studies, simulations, discussions, small group work, teambuilding activities, creative methods.

Outcomes of the activity

Outcomes of the training:
- toolbox - available on
- 2 youth exchanges planned within participants of the project

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My tasks and responsibilities:
- helping to improve and develope methods and training modules
- running mainly modules dealing with understanding citizenship, citizenship on local level and future cooperation
- co-runing teambuilding activities, activities connected with citizenship on local level and the ways of making citizenship attractive for young people
- co-writing educational report

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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