TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Sophie Breuker
"Re-Enact" is the second edition of an Erasmus+ training course designed to develop the competences of youth workers, trainers & youth leaders to engage & empower young people in their lives, work & communities.
The objectives:
• To identify effective and creative methods to engage young people to be active in their lives and communities
• To explore and understand how theatre & outdoor based methods can be used as tools for youth empowerment
• To introduce effective communication techniques in order to create positive dialogue and authentic communication
• To develop competences to implement tools, non-formal and informal educational methods of conflict resolution
• To provide space for participants for discussion and sharing best practices and to develop their training skills and competences
• To improve knowledge about Erasmus+ Youth Programme as a tool for improving project quality
25 youth workers, leaders and volunteers from Armenia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal, United Kingdom.
Training teams was made up of 3 international trainers from UK, Hungary and Ireland
Using the tools of Nature, Authentic Communication and Theatre we will learn together how to empower the young people we work with by developing their skills in enhanced communication, conflict resolution techniques, entrepreneurial thinking and active participation.
The programme involves theoretical inputs and practical workshops, discussions, group processes and individual work.
The outcome was more empowered youth workers who now know how they can use nature based, positive communication and theatre to work with their young people. By empowering their young people they supported them to become more active citizens in their communities and society at large. For partners projects were form for the future and their youth workers also carried out local based workshops and activities.
The training team has applied for a 3rd training of the Enact programme.
A training team of 3 full time trainers of which I was one, including being the host and applicant for this project.