This is a reference for Morgaine Green


The training activity took place
in El Bosque, Spain
organised by Asociación EQUA
5-10 June 2017
Reference person

Irene De Andrés Márquez

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Aim of the Project: Build together and share a working methodology which serves as a strategy for INCLUSIVE social development for territories in differing situations of economic and social crisis, through methods of Popular and Non Formal Education, alternative and creative uses of public spaces, which is transferable and applicable to the different realities of the partner organisations and collaborates with the social and labour inclusion of the young people of these organisations and their local communities.

Specific Objectives:
- Develop professional competences which are applicable in youth work in the European and international field through social and creative techniques and self-managed activities for the community which, moreover, are used to raise awareness about diversity and social and professional inclusion of young people in general as well as young people with functional diversity in particular.

- Generate a space which allows intercultural learning, dialogue and debate around the current situation for young people in Europe and in neighbouring countries and promote creative, educational and free time open air activities which foment critical analysis and creation of proposals for transformation through social and cultural animation and young enterprising, which can give way to new projects working alongside each other within the same itinerary in the framework of the Erasmus Plus Programme.

- Strengthen the feeling of European citizenship and solidarity through the creation and transmission of messages and activities related to the opportunities which Erasmus + offers as a strategy for social inclusion carried out for and by young people.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Youth workers and social workers or volunteers intending to work in this area, active at local or international level working with young people in the field of social inclusion, participation and/or transformation. Interested in working with topics of diversity and equal opportunities as well as being motivated in using free time activities, open and public spaces, Non Formal and Popular Education and creative tools for this area of work. From participating countries; Spain (Andalucia and Catalunya), France, Italy, Romania and Palestine.

Training methods used & main activities

Content Areas:
- The "Group" and Popular/Non Formal Education
- Inclusion/Exclusion, Development, Diversity and Diverse Abilities
- Project Cycles, Inclusion Strategies and Adaptations for People with fewer Opportunities
- Creativity and Free Time Activities as a Tool for Transformation
- Good Practices, "Putting into Practice" and Future Steps

These contents and objectives are outlined through training workshops with participatory methodology in Popular and Non Formal Education, learning by doing and Education in Values, applying creative tools and self-managed activities in learning and living together and inclusive free time and leisure, sharing Good Practices from the partner organisations and the coordinating association, and a final training-in-action to put into practice what has been experienced.

Outcomes of the activity

At a personal level the outcomes are developed competences and personal growth in the different fields explored in the activity. This impact is seen through the positive evaluations of the participants and the positive actions in their follow-up local projects.

At a European and international level and more long-term, this project generates a Non-Formal international associative network which plans an itinerary of work together, following the line of creativity as a tool of transformation and inclusion in the work with young people with diverse abilities, analysing results, giving visibility and providing an element of transferability to other projects and other organisations.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role was as coordinator of the project and lead trainer of a pool of three trainers.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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