TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Morgaine Green
Build together and share a working methodology which serves as a strategy for inclusive social development in territories suffering varying situations of economic, social and political crisis, which is transferable and applicable to the different realities of the partner organisations and the social and professional inclusion of the young people of these organisations and their local communities through methods of Popular and Non Formal Education, alternative and creative uses of public spaces.
At a European and international level and more long-term, this project generates an international associative network which plans and itinerary of joint work, following the line of art as a tool of transformation and inclusion in the work with young people with diverse abilities, analysing results, giving visibility and providing an element of transferability toother projects and other organisations.
Youth workers and volunteers with diverse abilities and from diverse social, cultural and economic backgrounds from Italy, Hungary, Romania, Palestine and Spain, with interest and varying experience in performing arts and non formal education.
The training course was carried out through trainÃng workshops with participatory methodology in Popular and Non Formal Education, learning by doing and Education in Values, applying creative tools such as movement, theatre, arts and crafts, photography, music/rhythm, self-managed activities in learning and living together and inclusive free time and leisure, sharing Good Practices from the partner organisations and the coordinating association, and a final Community Action which was carried out in the public spaces of the village where the Training Course took place.
This Action showed the outcome of the competences and techniques which were developed during the Training, as well as facilitating a space for visibility of the project and social, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue between the participants, the local population and the other social organisations involved from the community of Benaocaz and of Cadiz. This was the immediate local impact, as well as empowering a group of young people with diverse abilities, giving visibility to their project and to the currently difficult territorial and economic context.
Together with the final evaluations/reflections; both for the enjoyment and empowerment of the group, to give visibility to the European programme and to extend the important content for the personal and social and community development of the participants.
From this training we continued to work succesfully together on different joint projects in a shared itinerary with many of the partners and to see how these outcomes developed in our local and shared work.
In a team of 3 trainers, my role was coordinator and trainer.