TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabriel Brezoiu
The main topics addressed during the programme, will be focused on project planning and management, with an emphasis initiating, planning and implementing projects, online tools and instruments, budgeting, staff management, delivery of results, and on managing project risks and changes (time and risk management) in times of crisis, accessing financing opportunities available for civil society organizations in the
Black Sea Region, and implementing innovative methods on ensuring financial sustainability (business model approach).
The Project Management Academy is organized in the context of the project “Building CSO Capacity for Regional Cooperation within the Black Sea Region”, implemented by the Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND, with the financial support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST), a project of the German Marshall Fund.
The Program is addressed to CSO professionals in charge with the implementation of project activities (Project Managers, Project Coordinators, Project Officers, Program Directors etc.) who are seeking to increase the sustainability and organisational resilience of their organizations in difficult times.
38 participants from the BlackSea region countries took part in this activity.
The training comprises four modules of learning, covering 8 sessions (online training and coaching/mentoring) with a focus on innovative approaches in: project planning and management, budgeting, staff management, risks and changes management in times of crisis, fundraising, sustainability and networking.
The training was based on nonformal education. The sessions were participatory, with a hands-on approach including sharing real-life examples, analyzing study cases from participants’ organizations and/or communities, and exchanging best practices. We focused on collaborative working methods, in mixed groups, encouraging group and peer-to-peer learning and cooperation between participants.
Methods used during the live sessions: ice-breakers, team-building and getting to know each other games, discussions in smaller groups, mapping, brainstorming, online world-cafe, storytelling, simulations, study case, quiz, reflection activities (idea cloud, ranking, cards of feelings, agree-disagree scale, text, weather forecast), collaborative work, crossword, open the box, match-up, random wheel, speed-dating.
Digital tools used during the live sessions: Zoom, Mentimeter, Jamboard, Padlet, Wheel of names, Cards of feelings, Wordwall, Lino, Kahoot
Methods used for the tasks: SWOT analysis, case study, quiz, self-reflection, Business Model Canvas with feedback from the trainers and peers
Digital tools used for the tasks: Facebook Units, comments and reactions
Methods used for coaching: discussion, reflections, brainstorming, practical examples
Digital tools used for coaching: Calendly, Google Meet
The programme embedded several types of learning activities:
- Social learning group (based on a Facebook group enhanced with the Learning Units facility) serving as the main gathering point and place to structure the 8 learning modules;
- Online platform was available at serving as an external reference about the programme, structuring the theoretical briefings and presenting the participating organisations;
- M1-M8: 8 learning modules including theoretical briefings, practical activities (to which trainers and peer-to-peer feedback was provided), videoconferences (recording made available after each meeting) and resources;
- Optional coaching sessions with one of the trainers; - online platform gathering the main learning outcomes
Networking activities
38 CSO representatives benefiting from capacity building activities
I was one of the leading trainers, in charge of leading 4 of the modules, respectively:
M1 introduction & organizational networking
M3 budgeting: trends, challenges, online tools
M5 impact assessment: delivery and evaluation of results
M7 fundraising: accessing financing opportunities available for civil society organizations in the Black Sea Region
I designed the online learning experience based on nonformal education, learning tasks and I have facilitated coaching sessions with the participants.