TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabriel Brezoiu
O1- to empower the participants in using social media tools for project management (collaborative work, time management, internal communication, visibility);
O2- to create a European network of organisations interested in developing their capacity through social media tools;
O3- to promote Erasmus+ framework in order to encourage participants to develop future projects together;
O4- promoting cultural diversity in a European context;
Target group: Youth workers, project managers, youth leaders from European and neighboring countries.
Countries involved: 22 youth organisations from 12 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Turkey - EU/Programme countries and Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia- Eastern Europe & Caucasus)
Nonformal education methods based on active involvement of the participants: ice-breakers, energisers, simulation exercises, workshops, case-studies, debates, reflection groups, field study, conferences, working in online environment, working in intercultural subgroups, intercultural evening, NGO market etc.
PO1- [1] NGO markets;
PO2- [4] tutorials corresponding to the 4 pillars of the training course: collaborative work, time management, internal communication, visibility;
PO3- [1/participant] Youthpass Certificates;
PO4- [1] digital leaflet on the topic of "7 tips for collaborative work";
PO5- [1] digital leaflet on the topic of "7 tips for time management";
PO6- [4-5] project ideas;
I was the leading trainer of the educational activities.