TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabriel Brezoiu
O1- to empower the participants in using social media tools for project management (collaborative work, time management, internal communication, visibility);
O2- to create a European network of organisations interested in developing their capacity through social media tools;
O3- to promote Erasmus+ framework in order to encourage participants to develop future projects together;
O4- promoting cultural diversity in a European context;
Target group: Youth workers, project managers, youth leaders from European and neighboring countries.
Countries involved: 22 youth organisations from 12 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Turkey - EU/Programme countries and Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia- Eastern Europe & Caucasus)
The pedagogical team included 2 facilitators on behalf of GEYC.
Nonformal education methods based on active involvement of the participants: ice-breakers, energisers, workshops, case-studies, debates, field study, conference, working in online environment - econferences, working in intercultural subgroups, , NGO fair, photo safari, treasure hunt etc.
Prisma European Network was launched ( and the participants focused on future plans within the network.
Moreover, during the conference and European NGO Fair, the local young people were entitled to ask questions and to find out more about the activity of the organisations involved. The conference hosted by Cluj Napoca City Hall was dubled by a simultaneous eConference were the participants could follow the contents and address questions online.
I was the leading trainer of the educational activities.