This is a reference for Tatsiana Petrachkova Bauder

Plus Gender

The training activity took place
in Svalöv, Sweden
organised by Proqvi
16-20/12 2018, 15-24/4 2019

Aims & objectives

A particular interest that was behind this project was increased international migration processes, that actualizes and problematizes differences in social and political development in the countries, and therefore, different patterns of behavior, preparedness, and reaction on different challenges and situations in social life, by private individuals and in the work of officials.
The main objectives of the project were first, to create a wide and strong network of professionals in field of youth work, gender equality and advocacy, and second, to deepen and develop knowledge about gender issues and develop capacities of organizations related to gender equality issues.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group were youth workers who are already working or have a strong motivation to work on gender equality issues. By establishing this positive example of cooperation, we hoped to promote sustainable cross-sectorial partnerships for organisations working on gender equality issues all around Europe and outside, and to create a deep long-term impact on a personal and organizational level.
There were 12 countries participating in the project, team of trainers consisted on Swedish and Turkish, and a group of leaders that had an active role in formation of the learning flow, were from Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro and Ukraine.

Training methods used & main activities

Methods within non-formal learning methodology like quests, games, discussion groups, group and individual reflection sessions, creative sessions, team building and group exercises with analysis and reflection; co-creation and peer evaluation.

Outcomes of the activity

All objective of the training were achieved, several new partnerships were created and since then, even new projects made by the partners.
Here is the link to some pictures from the training course:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Planning and conducting the sessions, contact and support of the participants, evaluation and reporting.

I worked on this training for 15 days as a full time trainer.

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