This is a reference for Andreea Munteanu (Astilean)

Personal Branding for my international experience

The training activity took place
in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
organised by Societatea Studentilor de la Stiinte Politice
3 to 9 November 2014

Aims & objectives

1. Guiding 36 participants from Latvia, Italy and Spain in using the knowledge and skills acquired during their international mobility to maximize their chance of finding employment.
2. Developing the ability to identify, disseminate and use the skills acquired during their mobility at a potential workplace.
3. Encouraging participants to promote the idea of international mobility in their home countries by sharing the outcomes it had on their personal and professional development.
4. Helping youth to create a personal brand for them by self-identification with their mobility experience.
5. Creating a brochure to promote mobility and its impact on future careers by disseminating the experience gained by the youngster

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Unemployed people from Spain, Romania, Iran, Vietnam, Mexico and Latvia.

Training methods used & main activities

Coaching methods
Non-formal education
Swot analysis
Life wheel
Open space
Jigsaw method
Group working
Role playing
Interview simulation
Case studies

Outcomes of the activity

Participants improved knowledge and skills for getting employed.
Some participants found a job soon after the project.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

-coordinating the activities of the program
-main trainer in facilitating the activities for 5 days

I worked on this training for 5 days days as a full time trainer.

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