This is a reference for Andre Ebouaney

PBA: Volunteering and solidarity activities with deaf and hard of hearing persons – exploring European project possibilities and building up networks

The training activity took place
in Berlin, Germany (online form)
organised by JUGEND für Europa (National Agency)
28 September - 01 October 2021
Reference person

Gabi Steinprinz

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Aims & objectives

This Partnership Building Activity addresses project managers and representatives of various kinds of organisations who work with or are interested in working with deaf and hard of hearing young persons in the framework of volunteering and solidarity activities. It offers them space to explore the European Solidarity Corps programme as a tool for empowering and supporting the participation and social inclusion of young people within the programme itself, youth work and society.

Objectives :
- explore aspects of the European Solidarity Corps, its formats, and its potential for young people and their organisations;

-get a better understanding of how to deal with the barriers and challenges deaf/hard of hearing young persons can be facing in the framework of international volunteering and especially in the framework of the different ESC activity formats (language and communication, connecting to peers and colleagues, adequate leisure time activities etc.).

- get practical tips on conceptualizing and organising accessible, inclusive projects with deaf/hard of hearing young people in ESC and learn about related programme features (for example funding for individual needs).

- connect, build up a network and lay the foundation for future ESC partnerships.

- exchange experiences and learn from good practices.

- start working on concrete ideas for inclusive projects with deaf / hard of hearing persons.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group of the PBA:

- Representatives and project managers from (international) youth work organisations,
- Representatives and project managers from organisations from and for deaf and hard of hearing persons,
- Other public or non-public organisations interested in inclusive international youth work with deaf/hard of hearing young persons.

Participants were from Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Switzerland.

The team for the PBA was composed of:

- NA Officer of the JUGEND für Europa (National Agency)
- NA Officer Rannís│The Icelandic Centre for Research (IS) (National Agency)
- NA Officer Tempus Public Foundation (HU) (National Agency)
- NA Officer Agence du Service Civique (FR) (National Agency)
- 2 facilitators (Gabi Steinprinz and Andre Ebouaney)

Training methods used & main activities

The PBA’ team put a significant effort in making sure that the principles of non-formal education/learning and online learning are applied in the activity implementation; active participation & collaboration, shared responsibility, commitment & self-directedness and learner-centeredness were the ‘lighthouse’ in developing content and activities.

Participants could benefit from a series of media, be it ‘rich text, videos & tutorials, graphics and had a lot of options for sharing and exchange.

Outcomes of the activity

The PBA Outcomes were:
- Opening space to professionals and organisations to get to know each other’s work and interests find partners and explore ideas for potential common projects for European Solidarity Corps projects.
- Starting to develop project ideas.
- Explore the possibility of applying for funds in the European Solidarity Corps.
- Get to know good practices, share experiences, and discuss concerns, expectations, challenges and needs of the participating organisations and youth workers.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the facilitators with the task (together with the other PBA member team) of design, creating, delivering, and evaluating the activity.

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

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