This is a reference for Olga Kuczynska

One Last Chance 2 - Conflict resolution training

The training activity took place
in Puszczykowo, Poland
organised by Puszczykowo, Poland
Reference person

Sergio Goncalves

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Aims & objectives

This training, was the second edition of the same training concept. It aimed to equip youth workers with competences relevant for conflict management in a multicultural Europe. This was based on the observed tensions around the continent, some of which are contributing to hate speech and even violence. For the Narvik War & Peace Centre this is part of our core function.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group was youth workers from a selection of countries, from southern to northern Europe. We had participants from Norway, Portugal, Ireland, Bulgaria, Spain, Macedonia, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Poland and Sweden.
The trainers team was from Norway, Portugal and Poland.

Training methods used & main activities

The training was largely built around the simulation exercise "Mission Z: One last chance", which is a game-based exercise developed as part of a KA2-project (and highlighted as a 'Success Story'). Leading up to the exercise, we ran a number of brainstorming activities to establish definitions, and provide some input relevant for the training. In subsequent sessions of the programme we had, among other things, more exercises to process the learning points of the simulation - some of which were gamified.

Outcomes of the activity

The written feedback we collected after the training provided very positive reviews. Participants highlighted the mix of methods and the content as their best experience.

We have also followed up all of our participants to encourage them to implement their follow-up activities. This has included an article in Italian on the website of SCI-Italia:
Some of the participants also made this video of the training:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of three trainers of the project, and facilitated a number of the sessions focusing mostly on Non Violent Communication and working with definitions of peace and power.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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