This is a reference for Monika Kezaite-Jakniuniene

“ONE 2 ONE - supporting learning face-to-face”

The training activity took place
in Bulgaria
organised by National Agency of Youth in Action project in Bulgaria
2-8, September June, 2012
Reference person

Mark Taylor

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Aims & objectives

"One 2 One" is the training course, which aims at developing youth worker’s competence in building and maintaining individual relationship with a young person in relevant contexts.

Objectives of the course:
- that participants would be able to identify contexts and situations, where individual relationship with young person needs to be built and developed.
- that participants would feel confident in their communication skills and capacities with young person individually.
- that participants would be aware of different approaches, techniques and methods of individual contact with a young person and be able to use them.
- that participants would become aware of his/her own style to be in the relationship with young person and will be conscious about it’s possibilities and limits

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The group was composed of 18 participants from 13 countries.
The team was composed of me, Hazel Low and Mark Taylor.

Training methods used & main activities

The methodology of One 2 One training course was based on:
- experiential learning
- practice oriented learning (skills building)
- active work with written material
- analysis of videos

Outcomes of the activity

At the end of the course participants:
- became aware of different types of professional relationship (coaching, mentoring, supervising etc.)
- understood different aims and objectives of One 2 One relationship with young person.
- left with great understanding what constitutes a good relationship with young person and how to build it.
- after the course participants were able to realise limits and opportunities One 2 One relationship might have.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Together with my trainer colleague I was responsible for preparation, implementation and evaluation of the training programme and learning process of participants.

I worked on this training for 5 days in TC and 2 days online contact with participants days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Monika is a brilliant trainer, always listening to the participants and responding to their needs. A veritable joy to work with in a team!

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