TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Andreea Munteanu (Astilean)
To highlight variety of resources on young people in a NEET situation, including SALTO Inclusion study “On Track”.
To explore different NEET realities across Europe and different types of practices.
To exchange the possible ways to work together and stimulate development of cross-sectorial partnership projects for youth in a NEET situation.
To explore possibilities of the Erasmus+ programme, in addressing the issues that young people in a NEET situation are facing.
The team of the project was made by people from 3 different countries: 1 trainer from UK, 1 trainer from Slovakia, 1 responsible from Slovak National Agency, 1 project coordinator from Serbia.
The conference gathered 42 professionals from different sectors: youth work, education, social work, employment, working on topic of NEET. Seventeen European countries participated in this conference: Belgium-FL, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the UK.
Group discussions and sharing
Sharing of good practice
Round tables
Individual participants emphasized different aspects of what they take from the conference. Most of them testified they gained new insights about the variety of NEET situations and their effects on young people.
Future cooperation between participants on different NEET topics
- to prepare, run and evaluate “On Track” conference, organised by the Slovak National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme and SALTO Inclusion RC.
-working days: prep-meeting, 2 working days, 2,5 working days at the conference, plus evaluation at the end.
- provided documentation on the methods and outcomes of the methods/sessions run during the conference, as a final report.