This is a reference for Daniel Gismera Casasola

Not only in Facebook

The training activity took place
in Padul, Spain
organised by Somos La Otra
7th-13th March 2016
Reference person

Javier Cortacero Palma

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

-To develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to address the visibility and dissemination in a project under the Erasmus + program following the principles and standards of quality.
-To stimulate the creative ability of participants to innovate and improve their working methods in terms of visibility and dissemination.
-To provide an individual and group learning experience through a practical process and experimentation, enabling participants to reflect on their learning process and learn more about YOUTHPASS.
-To strengthen international cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of youth, offering the opportunity to meet potential international partners to develop future projects.
-To provide a broad introduction to Erasmus + in the part of youth.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

19 voluntary and professional youth workers from Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Latvia and Spain dealing with Erasmus+ projects.

Training methods used & main activities

The project was a practical learning experience where workshops, information sessions, activities to improve group dynamics and continuous assessment were mixed.

Outcomes of the activity

The dissemination of results and achievements of the project was implemented through the blog "Not only in Facebook"

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Full-time Trainer. Study on needs, design of the training programme, development of the methods and tools, implementation and evaluation.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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