TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabriel Brezoiu
Building capacity of European youth workers in the field of new media communication
1. Empowering youth workers to use multimedia tools to fight discrimination and to promote European values such as tolerance, democracy, respect to human rights, equality;
2. Providing new media skills to youth workers in order to use social media tools to improve communication and fundraising activities of their organisations;
3. Stimulating youth workers to cooperate at European level, to share good practices to network in order to raise their organisations advocacy capacity towards other stakeholders;
First of all, organizers and all partners either use new media tools, either they are interested to enhance their capacities in this field. Therefore, they are motivated to adapt the processes inside their organizations in order to integrate last social media and multimedia tools and to increase their efficiency.
As we had application forms submitted by participants, all the candidates were aware of the TC topic. During the selection process, we tried to choose the most motivated candidates. Moreover, we established a balance between those that already have some experience and could share with the others, by one side, and those with little or no experience, but with a strong motivation to develop their skills in this field.
According to the application forms, we had a first insight regarding the needs, expectations and contributions of the participants. In the second day of the project continued this process by using non-formal education methods in order to investigate these elements. At the end of each day was a reflection group in order to see how the things are going on and what it could be improved.
Target group: youth workers, youth leaders, project managers, EVS coordinators
Participant countries: UK, Romania, Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, France, Belgium and Estonia
The following methods were used throughout the training course: energizers (simple and funny games which will be used to open some sessions when the energy of the participants seem to be low), name games (in order to facilitate the learning of the other participants names), ice-breakers (games and other activities used to facilitate the non-formal introduction of the participants), brainstorming, debates, teamwork in intercultural subgroups.
One of the major outcomes of the training was the campaigns that the participants designed into teams.
Live photos during the training could be found here:
My role was to lead the pedagogical team of the project: designing the training format, assuring the participants preparation, choosing the best non-formal education methods during activities and facilitating the informal evaluation of the training.