TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Carina Altenriederer
- Personal reflection of the ESC Project till now, what happened so far, did participants expect something else?
- Common work on possible solutions for problems that could occur during the ESC Project.
- Setting of future goals for the Project, how should the Project develop, what can be improved.
- Planning of personal time, what participants still want to do in Austria.
We had 20 participants. The volunteers were quite diverse: eight pax from non-eu-countries, 12 eu-citizens. We have one participant who is seeking asylum and does his ESK as an in-country-volunteer. Also speaking about age the participants were quite diverse with six people between 18-20, ten participants between 21 to 25 and five volunteers between 26 and 30.
- Diade
- Threshold Walk (Selfreflection on personal ESC-journey from decision to current day)
- ESC Lab (selfreflection trough creative writing, group drawing, networking, sculptures out of plasticine, personal quotations, fevercurve, fortune tellin, scales, book table)
- Selfreflection on personal hero’s journey (Joseph Campbell)
- visiting two best practice projects (young caritas, Jugendtreff "teilweise")
- share your Superpower: I see in you, I see in myself
- open space on furtune telling, meintal health, walk & talk, learning dialect, applying to universities
- youth pass
- Future planning (We'll meet in 4 monthes, what happened? 5-4-3-2-1-Goals
- connection and support: the participants learned many methods for self reflection and also go to know other volunteers who are Austria
- sharing and learning: the participants had the opportunity to connect with others and learn about personal issues and how to cope with these challenges
- intercultural learning: The participants had the opportunity to share and reflect on their experience with the Austrian culture
- future planning: finding out which options are possible after the ECS Project
Due this training was my job shadowing I observed how the senior trainers prepared, structured and moderated the training.
My tasks were
- Energizers
- mental health session (peer-interchange)
- reflection and feedback on the programm
- 1:1 talks