TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Ilona Olehlova
MediaED LAB aimed to create critical,
knowledgeable and responsible leaders of creative and media education, capable of initiating, developing and embedding new understandings and techniques in their learning space.
The program was developed with goal to
provide knowledge and skills
relating both to current debates in the
creative industries, as well as practices
and pedagogy of media education to the young professionals who are working to advance media literacy.
The target group of the project were young
professionals who are working to advance media literacy - the ability to interpret, understand and evaluate media and its messages and to produce media content coming from Spain, Portugal, France, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Italy, Greece and Slovenia.
The training course was based on using variouos non-formal educational methods and techniques as simulations, team work in mix-intercultural groups, interactive presentation including using TED talks, group challenges connected with social media as Facebook as activities based on using art methods.
During the training course the participants increase their understanding of media literacy as developed their knowledge about various areas of media education.
During the training course I was leading and facilitating sessions reflecting following learning modules:
Media and Culture - activities implemented during these modules aimed to show
that media are part of an environment
and are to be seen in the context of a
specifi culture and country and that media have important role in the process of socialization.
Representations in the media - the main aim of the activities implemeted within this module was show that media are mental and
imaginary constructions of reality
and that there are different degrees
of relation between fictional and
non fictional productions that create
expectations in the viewer, especially
via the notion of genre.