TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Monika Kezaite-Jakniuniene
Awareness about the learning process of a volunteer and a mentor
At the end of the project participants will:
- be conscious about the learning processes volunteers and mentors are involved in;
- be able to identify key moments in volunteer’s and their own development,
- understand better how learning, development and personal change happens.
Knowledge and skills of a mentor
At the end of the project participants will:
- see EVS mentoring as a long-term process and know their various roles and tasks as a mentor within this process;
- be able to define their role in the entire EVS volunteer support structure within the new Erasmus+ Programme and understand better their valuable contribution,
- develop skills and to apply different tools and methods to support EVS volunteers,
- extend own reflection skills and be able to better facilitate the reflection of learning process and outcomes of another person.
Experience in working in an intercultural setting
At the end of the project participants will:
- be experienced in acting in an intercultural setting,
- be able to facilitate volunteers and support their learning reflections taking into account cultural influences,
- know good practices of mentoring.
And last but not least, Mentors will be more motivated to be engaged in their organisations because they are able to „advertise” the value of their work within their organisation.
23 participants EVS mentors from Poland and Lithuania, who...
- have experience as EVS mentor,
are currently starting or in process of being a mentor in at least one long term EVS,
- value the subject of personal change, learning and are curious to explore more of it,
- committed themselves for a long-term involvement both in this project and in their organization
The project combines various ways of support and learning methods:
- individual support during one2one consultations (via skype),
- activities, reflections and discussions (via an online learning platform) and
- a common training event with both Polish and Lithuanian mentors.
It enabled participants to be more reflective mentors and be aware of learning processes EVS volunteers' are going through and how to support it.
- Designing the concept of the M2beaM Blended Training Course
- One-to-one online consultations (via skype)
- Course creation and online learning facilitation
- Preparation and carrying out training course
- Planning and carrying out formative and summative evaluations
Monika Kezaite-Jakniuniene was my co-trainer at this event. If you want to know more, please don't hesitate to contact me! Michael Kimmig