TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Carmine Rodi Falanga
the training course (action 5 from the YOUTH programme) was on "Culture" and exploring it from different angles.
It included personal and group learning processes, space for sharing and reflection, a good mix of outdoor and indoor activities.
I was a trainer (in a team of 3), with 20 participants from all the programme countries.
My inputs included: the YOUTH programme, some models on "Culture", running the reflection groups, intercultural night, the evaluation.
The project was developed as part of the Training for Trainers (TOT) long term training course.
The team was composed by Katrin Luth (Austria), Jason Schroeder (Scotland) and myself.
Mix of non formal education methods, with a strong emphasis on the balance between outdoor education and indoor working methods.
The group had a very positive experience. After the positive feeddback collected we got the inspiration to make the course into a successful "package" and realised other courses with similar concepts and ideas.
Shared responsibility of all the activities, with an emphasis on the theoretical part based on inputs on culture and identity.