TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Marta Brzezińska-Hubert
1.Aims & objectives:
- to make participants aware of the possibilities there are to increase the impact of their Youth in Action projects and that creating impact is not only very useful but also fun
- to give a practical meaning to visibility & dissemination and exploitation of results (DEOR)
- to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to increase the impact of the participants Youth in Action project
- to share examples and experiences of visibility & dissemination and exploitation (DEOR) of results with each other
- to create new innovative DEOR tools
- to design visibility and DEOR strategies for the participants own organization/project (practical plan to take home)
Target group
25 youth workers from Youth in Action Program countries. Participants had experience with youth projects and wanted to increase their impact
Team of trainers: Ann Daniels (Dutch pool of trainers), Marta Brzezińska - Hubert (Polish pool of trainers)
Pre-course assignments, group work, discussion, self reflection, exchange of experience, intervision, practical examples, outdoor creative team work including interaction with local community, elements of Appreciative Inquiry
- The trainers (Ann and Marta)created new method called "DEOR triangle" based on the Making Waves metaphor that was an essential element of creating a clear and common understanding of the DEOR approach in this training course and group of participants.
- creating innovative tools for DEOR:
Thanks to the creative process the participants were put in their stretching zone to create new and innovative DEOR methods, test them in a real live setting (‘making waves' in the city of Arnhem!) and report back on this experience. The evaluations showed that the participants really appreciated this experience.
-the knowledge / skills of using social media both as a DEOR strategy for participants to use in their organisation and as a tool to DEOR this Making Waves training course - the live on the training skype meeting with social media experts was an experiment to accommodate the social media needs of participants and it worked really well. It turned out to be a good way to make waves for a training course in progress and will also be very useful for the follow up by the participants in their own organisations.
- The trainers created a website that was used before, during and after the training to post information, pre-course assignments, material and to link with other social media like facebook and twitter. Making Waves TC is now also present on facebook: and twitter:!/MakingWavesTC and these media can be used further in the future to DEOR the training, to collect the DEOR actions done by the participants and to work towards a next edition of this training.
My role – co-trainer (together with Ann Daniels). Preparation, running and evaluation of the training including the development of new methods connected with the DEOR approach.