TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Martin Fischer
- Facilitate good practice exchange on campaigning for youth policy in the run up of the European Parliament elections
- Creating a collaborative roadmap between member organisations and the LYF campaign
- Facilitate access to decision makers for member organisations
The team consisted of 3 people, a representative from the YFJ board, YFJ secretariat and me, as facilitator.
6 representatives from member organisations took part in the meeting, representing INGYOs and different youth councils.
After brief introductions we opened the round to share good practice examples from previous campaigns and associated them to the different priorities within the LYF campaign. In the next step we worked collaboratively on a timeline to connect the member organisations initiatives and the LYF acitivites. The timeline was constantly updated whenever another suitable event came up in the discussions. After discussions on common policies and claims we had a feedback session on the campaign and communication. Finally we prepared the next steps and calls for action for the upcoming months before the election.
- Feedback on the communication structure and campaign platform
- Timeline with relevant dates and potential overlaps or complementary action in advocacy effort
- Individual action plans of the participants
I facilitated the meeting, prepared the agenda, moderated debates and provided the methodology used.