This is a reference for Ilaria Zocco

ka1 Training "Shared Responsibility"

The training activity took place
in Valencia Spain
organised by
Reference person

Antonio Banaches

(Trainer and Organiser)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

What if all youngsters, including the more vulnerable youngsters, could show their gained skills and competences in a way society would understand and recognise?
What if the gap between these youngsters and (potential) employers would be bridged by one system?

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Four regions from four different countries, each bringing their own regional situations, challenges, best practises and expertise are involved in this training which will last five days.
In the Netherlands the region of the Hague, in Spain ì Valencia, in Germany East Bavaria and in Italy Il Vergante will work on promoting the SHARE methodology and SHARE system.

Training methods used & main activities

Shared Responsibility aims to make a SHARE methodology and SHARE system, using badges as a tool to recognize their gained skills and competences in informal, non-formal and formal learning on a EQF level 1 and 2.
Doing this in a common language which will be understood by youngsters, youth workers, teachers, trainers, employers and policy makers.

Outcomes of the activity

The mix of the group composed by teachers and youth workers gave the chance to understand better the possible use of badges in Schools and in youth centres. In Italy and Spain NEET are not involved in any school system so it was very interesting analysing the systems of education in each country and thinking together about the future of the project.
Some of the participants had some difficulties with digital devices but the group support them in order to find a standard quality of the tool.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was co facilitator and trainer

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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