TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Armin Cerkez
“Inclusive employability and entrepreneurship youth work” is developed for youth workers willing to plan, prepare & organise different youth work & NFE activities for increasing employability and entrepreneurship skills of youth with fewer opportunities.
• To reflect and exchange opinions about the unemployment and entrepreneurship of youth with fewer opportunities in different European countries (tendencies and influencing factors, specifications of the target group, focuses etc) • To achieve common understanding of different aspects, concepts and values of youth work and/for inclusion • To define our target groups of youths with fewer opportunities and to explore the needs and consequences of socially excluded (youth) groups around us, in order to be able to improve situations towards more inclusive society • To discuss and understand how EU social inclusion and employment policies influence our countries being members of EU or having (potential) candidate status to EU • To discuss how youth work and non-formal education can positively influence better youth employability and employment and to share examples of good entrepreneurship and employment practices combating youth unemployment • To empower and encourage participants to do quality needs analysis and develop strategies for local/European activities and longer-term programmes of youth work for employment and entrepreneurship for youth with fewer opportunities • To encourage the development of different youth work and non-formal education activities and programmes for empowerment of unemployed youth with fewer opportunities in local communities • To present the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme and to encourage the creation of future projects with unemployed youngsters with fewer opportunities. Training course is based on the approach, principles and methods of non-formal education. The language of the training course will be English. The training course will gather participants, trainers and staff from 9 organisations from 9 countries (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Czech Republic and Sweden). The participants should fulfil the following criteria: • They are active youth workers / leaders and are willing to apply and multiply the knowledge received on this training course in later activities in our partner organisations and communities. • They are willing to focus and take action in the field of employability and entrepreneurship of youth with fewer opportunities, setting up the international and local projects dealing with youth unemployment. • They are willing and committed to sharing / multiplying the new knowledge (gained at the TC) with other members of his/her organisation once he/she gets back. • They are age above 18 and able to attend the entire duration of the course and are able to follow the programme in English language.
This Training Course was for 25 participants
from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, KOSOVO * UN RESOLUTION, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden.
Recommended for Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors.
We used a lot of non-formal methods linked to the topic of the training and the larger project - we can mention: Group building, discovering the surroundings, work in pairs, in small groups and in plenary, brainstorming, inputs by the trainers, group discussions, role play, self-assessment activities, update of the process in social networks, introspection, CookLab, Learning Space Dynamics.
Participants where able to represent their sending organisations and enter into new partnerships and new project proposals during this TC. They learned a lot of youth work in sport work with different target groups. The goal of this TC is for youth workers willing to plan, prepare & organise different youth work & NFE activities for increasing employability and entrepreneurship skills of youth with fewer opportunities.
I was one of the 8 full-time trainers involved in designing and deciding all activities and the flow of the training, organising and preparing it, delivering and evaluating it.