TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vanessa Moreno Sierra
- To make (existing) trainers aware of exclusion factors that keep some profiles from participating in training activities.
- To develop and exchange about approaches to make training activities more inclusive for diverse target groups.
- To learn and share methods to tackle ‘inclusion and diversity issues’ in training courses (stimulate participants to be more inclusion/diversity minded, giving them tools).
Group: 23 trainers from programme countries and partner regions working with NAs (or NGOs) on making their courses/activities more inclusive - wanting to go deeper regarding inclusion & diversity.
Team: Morgaine Green, Henk Persyn and Vanessa Moreno (trainers). Tony Geudens (SALTO I&D). Katrina Vitola (Latvian NA)
- We used interactive non-formal learning methods.
- We started from your experience as a resource: successes, failures, etc.
- Connected to the local context: how Latvian organisations tackle I&D.
- There was an online follow-up sessions (colleague support groups) to check what happened since the course and discuss any ID experiences.
Developing the contents and structure of the programme together with the team.
Full-time trainer.