TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Morgaine Green
Exploring how to outreach and involve young people more effectively;
Learning how to deal with multiple factors of exclusion;
developing strategies for more inclusivity of youth organizations;
Acquiring new tools and methods of youth inclusion;
Sharing experiences and challenges of youth inclusion in the Eastern Partnership countries;
Learning best practices of increasing inclusiveness of youth work provided to the disadvantaged young people;
network and develop partnerships.
The Online Course focused on hands-on approach and practical strategies for achieving inclusive youth work in youth organizations in the Eastern Partnership countries.
Youth workers from Ukraine, Moldove, Georgia, Belarus and Armenia made up the target group, while the international pool of trainers were coming from Ireland, Armenia, Spain, Ukraine and United Kingdom (me), although located currently in Armenia, Belgium, Ukraine and Spain (me).
Online presentation, group work, interactive activities and games, digital tools such as Miro and Menti.
The participants acquired from this training course specific knowledge about inclusive strategies for youth work, diverse power dynamics, the theory of change model and community mapping, among others. They also got to grips with some brand new digital tools for upscaling their work in the current climate and they took away group spirit and enthusiasm for future projects through networking and pooling their experience and ideas.
Design of specific sessions, adaptation of non formal methods online, facilitation of sessions, technical support, contribution to final report.