TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Carmine Rodi Falanga
It was a SEMINAR (action 5 YOUTH Programme) about active methods of involving young people in citizenship and society.
Many different organisations from all over Europe, with a total of 36 participants, took part in it to share their good practises in the field, to establish a common understanding of the topic and the challenges ahead, and to explore some future opportunities.
The group was very diverse with a rich component from a wide variety of EU countries.
The team was composed by Buzz Bury (UK), Marcella Barone (Italy), and myself.
A good wide mix of non formal education methods.
There was an emphasis on Open Space technology as a method for wide groups and involvement.
Good future cooperation has been established between the partners involved and their respective networks. One main objective of the course was to encourage a stronger cooperation between different networks across Europe: Eurodesk - the Europe Direct network - the Erasmus Students networks were all involved.
My role was to facilitate the seminar (in a team of 2), and to coordinate all the activities which took part in it. The methods ranged from open discussions, to group works, to frontal presentations, with a central part based on a 24-hours Open Space session.