This is a reference for Karolina Kosowska

GAME ON: Gamified Language Learning On A Strictly Inclusive Basis

The training activity took place
in Leszno, Poland
organised by Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej (CAT Foundation)
Reference person

Alexander El-Jbeily

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Aims & objectives

The main aim of the project was to involve youth and youth workers from different backgrounds and social-strata in the development and creation of different educational games, activities, and tools focused on improving language competences in order to not only empower them through the scope of the process of creation, but also in contributing to the educational processes of other youths, thereby creating sustainable avenues of lateral empowerment amongst youngsters.

The specific objectives of “Game On” were:
- To create an environment aimed at developing, experimenting, creating, and sharing innovative games, methodologies, stories, and tools for other youths, with specific attention to the inclusion and integration processes of young refugees and migrants in the local communities and in the youth organisations;
- To explore the use of different digital and analogue tools in the development and creation of educational games and activities that promote youth empowerment and the sharing of European values
- To contribute to the professional and personal development and to improve the competences of youth workers and educators of partner organisations, providing tools, knowledge and skills useful to face the need for intercultural dialogue among young people and their communities
- To contribute to improve quality in youth work, at the local and European level, keeping into consideration the changes and challenges of today’s society as for the inclusion and integration of young people with different cultural backgrounds
- To contribute in fighting radicalisation and xenophobia among young Europeans and local communities, providing opportunities of intercultural dialogue through real and true encounters
- To empower youth workers to become active multipliers able to improve their local working and living environments, raising social awareness towards true interculturalism in society and above all in the youth sector;
- To engage and empower disadvantaged youth, specifically young migrants/refugees and youth from cultural and ethnic minorities, giving them the opportunity to bring positive change in their communities.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

29 participants: youth workers, youth leaders and teachers - 14 partner organisations - 9 countries: Poland, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Greece.

Training methods used & main activities

Methods used during the project:
- Group and team building,
- City challenges,
- Game and narrative design theory,
- Analysis of interactivity and player agency,
- Idea forming and creation,
- Prototyping and testing,
- Peer reviewing,
- Cultural visits,
- Peer and local Testing
- Dissection and analysis of outputs,
- Finalisation and polishing of outputs,
- Kolb's reflective method.

Outcomes of the activity

During the project, the expected outcomes were realised to full effect. Considering the effect of the corona pandemic, it was quite amazing that all 13 partner organisations were able to send participants; 30 in total. The group of 30 participants created 6 different games and activities which were developed, tested, and formalised within the scope of the first activity. Most of the testing took place with local youths and volunteers, however, some of the testing also took place at another local youth organisation in a nearby village (Stowarzyszenie ZMW Przybyszewo) so that the participants could see what the effect of teaching/explaining in a different language than their own or English would be like. At the end of the first activity, a booklet was made containing information about the project and a description of the games that were developed. This booklet was shared digitally and physically with partner organisations: .

Aside from these “hard” outcomes, the participants were able to acquire, develop and improve their own comptences during the training course. Amongst the competences that they worked on were the following that we were able to abstract:
- Active participation;
- Activity and Game Development; Game Design (philosophies);
- Individual and group learning processes; Intercultural learning; Involving local communities;
- Language Learning; Multiplier effects;
- Mutual understanding; Narrative Design (philosophies);
- Peer to Peer education; Personal contribution;
- Promoting tolerance;
- Self expression/ self presentation;
- Sense of initiative;
- Stimulating creativity.
Our hopes as an organisation were that the participants would take their knowledge and competences gained during the project, and share/develop their own ideas with their local realities. Having done a follow up on the activity a few months later, we have seen that the participants often took it upon themselves to incorporate the use of games and
game design in their organisations for educational purposes, but also in the adaptation of activities provided at their youth centers when working with youths and migrants and especially on the topic of language learning

- Project’s website:
- Project's brochure which contains descriptions of games created by the participants of the training:
- Project's video:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My tasks were to co-design and co-write the project, select the partner organisations, coordinate the project co;pletely and co-deliver and facilitate the training activities. After the completion of the project, I designed and published the output brochure that we provided as a dissemination material.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

When it comes to my direct cooperation with Karolina, I want to stress the fact that I have rarely seen the level of professionalism, resilience, quick-thinking, dedication, and kindness exhibited by her at any other project that I've ever worked on.

All the time and effort that she put into the project before and during the implementation paved the way for a flawless execution of the prepared sessions and its successful completion. Her dual roles as coordinator and co-trainer didn't leave her much room to ever slow-down and relax during the project, yet she managed to organise all the logistical complexities of the training (especially with the added complications provided with the covid restrictions and testing), prepare the necessary working materials and venue without ever having to disappoint me when it came to my material requests, and most importantly she was able to react quickly to the changing needs of the participants and my own when it came to changes in session delivery for various explainable reasons.

When it comes to her training skills specifically, she was always well prepared and properly versed in the material that she was discussing and facilitating. She always had the participants paying attention and engaged when necessary, but also understood and accepted the group dynamics in order to provide them with time or allow for changes to the program.

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