This is a reference for Olga Poddubnaya

FreeStyle Facilitation

The training activity took place
in Ukraine, Crimea
organised by United World Colleges (UWC), The Netherlands
11 Sep. - 18 Sep. 2010

Aims & objectives

FreeStyle Facilitation is a training for youth leaders and youth workers interested in developing basic competences in facilitation of learning processes and services provided for young people with the aim of empowering them. The training specifically focused on deepening the understanding of facilitation and facilitation of learning in youth work, providing a space for practice, deepen the theoretical knowledge of the participants and creation of new partnerships. The training agenda has been developed according to the needs of participants identified through needs assessment and was built up on non-formal approach to learning. The course provides a space for consultations and sharing of the best practices as follow-up activities through on-line service on

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

FreeStyle Facilitation is a training project that brought together 21 youth workers/leaders from Armenia, Belarus, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Ukraine.

The team consisted of:
Mara Georgescu - Italy,
Olga Poddubnaya - Belarus,
Sven Retore - Portugal,
Andriy Donets - Ukraine.

Training methods used & main activities

Free Style Facilitation

The training activity took place
in Crimea, Ukraine
organised by United World Colleges (UWC), The Netherlands
Reference person
Sven Retoré
Contact the reference person
Aims & objectives

FreeStyle Facilitation is a training for youth leaders and youth workers interested in developing basic competences in facilitation of learning processes and services provided for young people with the aim of empowering them. The training specifically focused on deepening the understanding of facilitation and facilitation of learning in youth work, providing a space for practice, deepen the theoretical knowledge of the participants and creation of new partnerships. The training agenda has been developed according to the needs of participants identified through needs assessment and was built up on non-formal approach to learning. The course provides a space for consultations and sharing of the best practices as follow-up activities through on-line service on
Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

FreeStyle Facilitation is a training project that brought together 21 youth workers/leaders from Armenia, Belarus, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Ukraine.

The team consisted of:
Mara Georgescu - Italy,
Volha Poddubnaya - Belarus,
Sven Retore - Portugal,
Andriy Donets - Ukraine.

Training methods used & main activities

The activities were set in a Non-Formal education framework using participant directed activities focussed at the needs of the participants. The outline of the methods used during the TC and training materials are available on

Outcomes of the activity

The training addressed the issue and dealt with the development of the competences of youth workers/leaders to facilitate learning process of young people, it unfolded and allowed participants to discover theoreticsl backgrounds of learning and facilitation of learning in general and different issues and core conditions related to facilitation. The training addressed essential elements of the Youth in Action, as non-formal education, Youthpass, partnership building and networking. Participants has been developing different ideas of youth projects as the follow-up of the training.The project contributed personal development of participants. The results of evaluation shows that the TC fullfilled the expectations of majority of participants and even more, the absolute majority of participants concider that the training course met the objectives set by the organisers.
The biggest achievement of the TC among all is a shift of perseption of facilitation and demonstration of differences between facilitation of learning and training.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I acted as a full time trainer, responsible for the preparation, delivering and evaluation of the activities.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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