This is a reference for Tatsiana Petrachkova Bauder

Filmtime Academy

The training activity took place
in Hästveda and Helsingborg, Sweden
organised by Proqvi
1-15/7, 26-31/10 2019

Aims & objectives

Project aimed to provide inspiration, challenge and knowledge to youngsters about shaping their experiences into messages that could be spread to a wider audience, using audiovisuals like film as a means of communication. The participants might have experienced that they have more similarities than differences, in their cultural contexts and personal opinions.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

We invited creative persons with interest for multimedia, photo or storytelling as well as arts and expression forms, both practicing and just curious, open for challenges in search for inner truth, insights and genuine experience of human meetings, development of ideas and finding the ways to transfer the messages. We gathered 12 young people from Turkey, 12 from Italy and 15 from Sweden, to discuss all the reactions them movies created, and to praise the one of the films that got the most attention. Also, talk about different issues of expression, opinion, creativity and media world.
We were 2 trainers from Sweden and Turkey, and three group leaders from each country to support the learning and adjustment processes.

Training methods used & main activities

The main focus of the project was on filming process and media communication language. A lot of sessions were facilitated by the participating youth themselves. Else, we used methods within non-formal learning methodology like quests, games, discussion groups, group and individual reflection sessions, creative sessions, team building and group exercises with analysis and reflection; co-creation and peer evaluation.

Outcomes of the activity

All objective of the training were achieved, three movies were made during the first activity in July in Hästveda and they were publicly presented and discussed during the second activity in October, in Helsingborg.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Planning and conducting the sessions, contact and support of the participants, evaluation and reporting.

I worked on this training for 21 days as a full time trainer.

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