TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Marta Brzezińska-Hubert
Aims & objectives
To get feedback on usefulness of TCP sending TCs – how they use it in everyday life/work.
- to provide space for reflection and sharing the knowledge and skills gained during international training courses;
- to inspire participants to use their experience creatively in their everyday youth work;
- to offer the possibility for potential Polish-Czech partnerships;
- to get feedback on the selection procedure and the trainings effectiveness;
- to have fun and to learn.
Ex TCP participants send to seminars and TCs by Czech, Polish and Slovak NA.
The target group for this meeting was specified by following criteria:
- youth workers and youth leaders from Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia
- participated in the international training course organized by National Agency of the Youth in Action programme in 2007-2011;
- are motivated to reflect on gained experience and to think about follow up;
- feel confident to express themselves in English;
- are over 18 years old.
Marta Brzezinska-Hubert, Trainer of Polish NA
Lucie Frisova, Trainer of Czech NA
Magdalena Malinowska - Polish NA TCP co-ordinator
Eva Votavová - Czech NA Project Assistent
Evaluation methods, world cafe, silent floor, sharing of good practise, DEOR, consultations, individual time for reflection, getting to know local NGO, metha-reflection, super objective, group resource mind map etc.
Strong flow based on going from what was, what is now and what will happen - follow up steps, multiplication efect of participations in TCP activities.
Relevant evaluation data and structured feedback for NAs.
Motivated participants willing to move on and apply gained experience from international TCP.
The meeting was evaluated of overall very successful. All team members were happy we were after long planning able to implement this activity.
Local guest has a very good and fitting input.
There was a very nice, good input so there is as well output – results.
Materials, pictures, contact list etc. were shared with participants immediately, they were invited to download a zip folder with everything.
The results collected as feedback and suggestions from participants will be passed to NAs.
Follow of this activity might be a new sending TPC strategy including couple of additional tasks/steps for participants to follow:
- promoting/sharing experience for the TCs
Participants will be asked to choose at some of the offered (3-5) options of follow up of the TC.
Preparation of the whole methodology, making sure chosen methods will bring the results needed as feedback to NAs.
Meeting NAs need with participants needs and making functional programme out of this, to motivate people to come for such an additional activity on top of usual TCP.
Delivering and follow up of the activity together with co-trainer.