This is a reference for Marta Brzezińska-Hubert

EuroPeers training

The training activity took place
in Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland
organised by Polish National Agency
26-30 October 2014

Aims & objectives

Participants will develop their competences and learn:
- How to reflect on own learning outcomes
- How to share their European experience effectively with their peers, also in innovative way
- How to organise different types of EuroPeer events
- How European programmes and initiatives open the possibilities for young people to get involved
- How to network with each other after the course.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants were young people who have already taken part in the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme, so in a European Voluntary Service, youth exchange or they realized a (transnational) youth initiative.
Twenty participants from eight countries took part in our training: Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lituania, Poland, Turkey.
Te team of trainers was composed by two senior trainers : Marta Brzezińska-Hubert from Poland and Sabrina Apitz from Germany and one junior trainer Kuba Radzewicz from Poland. There was also organisational assitance of Agata Nowacka from the National Agency during the whole training.

Training methods used & main activities

The EuroPeer training course is based on non-formal education methods, involving non-formal learning, participatory and on a voluntary basis. It is learner-centred, practice-oriented and based upon the needs and expectations of the participants. The tools of the training course focused on developing constructive attitudes (what we are), skills (what we can do) and knowledge (what we know).
Used methods were characterized by thinking, feeling, doing, listening and watching. All methods were presented in a way that participants could adapt them for their own events.

Outcomes of the activity

The training activity achieved to train young people to be EuroPeers in future. Within the training course they get an idea and tools how to share their experiences with others, how to motivate peers to take part in the creation of Europe, how to demonstrate how rewarding active European citizenship can be.

Participants learnt how to organise their own events and projects in formal and non-formal education institutions like schools, youth clubs, youth information centres, or even in public space, in order to meet and contact their peers and share their European experiences with them. They became more skilful in planning and preparing a project, making a budget for a project, communicating their European message, debriefing and evaluating a project. They also learnt cooperating with others such as getting to know each other in a group, sharing experiences and getting feedback from others. They got more knowledge about mobility and participation opportunities for young people and the EuroPeer network in general: communication tools, possible partners, annual meetings, best practice projects, etc.

Participants got to know more about themselves, for instance being self-confident to enter learning processes with others, knowing their own learning preferences, having an ability for self-awareness and assessment or giving and accepting feedback, but also a lot about group climate like developing a feeling for the group atmosphere or motivating a group of people.
We made first steps towards creating the broader network of EuroPeers. Most particpants also achieved their personal project initiatives.

The movie that was created during the training:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role – co-trainer. Preparation, running and evaluation of the training including the development of new methods and after-training learning phase (supporting particiants through facebook, moodle and skype individual talks).

I worked on this training for 4 days days as a full time trainer.

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