This is a reference for Mayssa Rekhis

Euro- Arab Training of trainers in Democratic Youth participation

The training activity took place
in Hammamet, Tunisia
organised by CoE & LAS
December 2012

Aims & objectives

The training course aims to train youth trainers and multipliers from European and Arab countries to develop and support projects and activities for enhancing and developing democratic youth participation.
- To develop participants understanding of the concept and practices of democratic youth participation
- To reflect upon, and provide tools for reflection about democracy, human rights and democratic citizenship and their relevance for young people in European and Arab societies
- To share experiences of democratic youth participation projects and criteria for successful projects in this area
- To develop participants’ awareness and practical skills about the role of participation in educational processes, particularly non.-formal learning processes
- To familiarise participants with the educational approaches underlying Compass and the T-Kit Mosaic
- To support processes of reform and revitalisation of democratic participation in youth organisations and projects
- To foster Euro-Arab cooperation and exchange between youth organisations and youth leaders.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants were both from the MENA region and from Europe.

Training methods used & main activities

The whole training was designed and delivered using the non formal education methodology and experimental learning (simulation games, role plays, group works...).

Outcomes of the activity

The concept of democratic youth participation was first elaborated and introduced in this Euro-Arab training course and has the potential to embrace and represent both the central values and the thematic issues relevant for youth leaders to develop and secure inclusive democratic approaches in youth projects, programmes and policies.
the report of the training is online:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a full member of the team of trainers, designing session outlines, reviewing others, facilitating or co-facilitating the different sessions, that we designed together during the prep meeting and the online preparation phase.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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